Last edited 06/16/2024

Angie Robles Licensed Clinical Social Worker Associate

She / Her / Hers

Clinically Supervised

VerifiedOffers Online Therapy
Acepting new clientsCash Pay Only
Headshot of Angie Robles, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Associate

General Office Hours

In Pacific Time

Tuesdayfrom 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM
Thursdayfrom 09:00 AM to 02:00 PM

Learn more about my:

Under Clinical Supervision

Angie Robles, Licensed Clinical Social Worker Associate, ASW121898 is practicing under the supervision of Debora Ribas-Santos (California, LCSW, 81269) at Lighthouse Therapeutic Services.

Please, note: A clinician listed as being “clinically supervised” is completing clinical hours toward their licensure. They have one or more fully licensed clinical supervisors that often have special training. They consult with their supervisor(s) on all of their cases.

What was your path to becoming a therapist? What inspired you to choose this profession?

I chose to study social work because of my passion to help families. I truly believe that people can change. Most of us just need someone to talk to and some guidance.







Social Anxiety

Life coaching

Life transitions

General Expertise



Life coaching

Life transitions


First Session$80
Individual Therapy$80

Types of Therapy

Individual Therapy


Young Adults (18-24)

Adolescents (13-17)

Treatment Approaches / Modalities

Strength Based Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)


Univeristy of Nevada, Las Vegas, Master of Social Work, children and family, 1999

I have 30 years of experience in the field of child welfare. I have 25 years of experience working with transitioned age youth ages 16 to 21. I also have 22 years of experience working with families who are adopting children.

Work History

I worked in child welfare for 29 years. I worked with transitioned age youth ages 16-21 for 25 years. I worked with foster youth for 29 years. I have also worked with people adopting for the past25 years.

Online Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions About Angie Robles, LCSW-A

It’s not uncommon to have questions before starting therapy. Angie Robles, LCSW-A, has answered a few of the questions they receive most often from new clients.

Is Angie Robles accepting new clients?

Yes, Angie Robles is accepting new clients for online therapy in California.

Does Angie Robles accept insurance?

No, Angie Robles does not accept insurance.

What types of therapy does Angie Robles offer?

Angie Robles offers therapy for individuals.

Does Angie Robles offer in-person appointments?

No, but people in California can book Angie Robles for virtual appointments (teletherapy).

Does Angie Robles offer online therapy?

Yes, Angie Robles offers online therapy via video sessions to people in California.

How quickly can I see Angie Robles?

Angie Robles typically can speak with new clients within 48 hours. You can see their current general office hours and request an appointment on their profile page.

What languages does Angie Robles speak?

Angie Robles conducts therapy sessions in English.

Can I book an appointment with Angie Robles online?

Yes, you can easily book an appointment with Angie Robles online using Choosing Therapy’s directory.