Last edited 10/18/2024

Dr. Emma Ramos Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

Clinically Supervised

VerifiedOffers Online Therapy
Acepting new clientsAccepts Insurance
Headshot of Dr. Emma Ramos, Associate Marriage and Family Therapist

General Office Hours

In Eastern Time

Mondayfrom 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Tuesdayfrom 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Wednesdayfrom 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Thursdayfrom 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Fridayfrom 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM

Learn more about my:

Under Clinical Supervision

Dr. Emma Ramos, Associate Marriage and Family Therapist, 126897 is practicing under the supervision of Shannon Polee (California, LMFT, 114997) at KCW Psychological Services.

Please, note: A clinician listed as being “clinically supervised” is completing clinical hours toward their licensure. They have one or more fully licensed clinical supervisors that often have special training. They consult with their supervisor(s) on all of their cases.

What would be important for someone to know about working with you?

As a first generation Mexican-American woman and therapist, my mission is to destigmatize mental illness within our ethnically diverse communities through a safe and non-judgemental environment. I understand the complexity that comes with being a person of color navigating through the mental health system, which is why I intend to integrate a cultural awareness and sensitivity approach. I aim to meet clients where they are and to apply interventions at their own pace.



Race & Cultural Identity

College & graduate student issues

Identity development


General Expertise


Work Stress

Relationship Issues


Cultural adjustment

Life transitions

Postpartum depression

Pregnancy, perinatal, & postpartum issues

In-Network Insurance

UnitedHealthCare (UHC)


Individual Therapy$162

Types of Therapy

Individual Therapy



Adults (25-65)

Treatment Approaches / Modalities

Strength Based Therapy

Mindfulness Practices

Person-Centered Therapy

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)


University of Southern California, Master of Science, Marriage and Family Therapy, 2021

Work History

During my year-long practicum at Five Acres, I had the opportunity to work in their community-based specialty program, where I provided mental health services to young children, teens, and their families. This experience allowed me to develop expertise in working with a wide variety of challenges that children and teens face, including emotional regulation, behavioral issues, and family dynamics. I also gained valuable experience supporting families involved in foster care and adoptions, as well as working with monolingual Spanish-speaking families. This has helped me become skilled in addressing the unique needs of diverse populations and creating a safe, supportive space for families to heal and grow together.

Online Therapy

Frequently Asked Questions About Emma Ramos, AMFT

It’s not uncommon to have questions before starting therapy. Emma Ramos, AMFT, has answered a few of the questions they receive most often from new clients.

Is Emma Ramos accepting new clients?

Yes, Emma Ramos is accepting new clients for online therapy in California.

Does Emma Ramos accept insurance?

Yes, Emma Ramos accepts insurance, including UnitedHealthCare (UHC).

What types of therapy does Emma Ramos offer?

Emma Ramos offers therapy for individuals.

Does Emma Ramos offer in-person appointments?

No, but people in California can book Emma Ramos for virtual appointments (teletherapy).

Does Emma Ramos offer online therapy?

Yes, Emma Ramos offers online therapy via video sessions to people in California.

How quickly can I see Emma Ramos?

Emma Ramos typically can speak with new clients within 48 hours. You can see their current general office hours and request an appointment on their profile page.

What languages does Emma Ramos speak?

Emma Ramos conducts therapy sessions in English and Spanish.

Can I book an appointment with Emma Ramos online?

Yes, you can easily book an appointment with Emma Ramos online using Choosing Therapy’s directory.