Last edited 05/10/2024
Mr. Kent Picou Professional Counselor Intern
He / Him / His
Clinically Supervised
General Office Hours
In Eastern Time
Monday | from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM |
Tuesday | from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM |
Wednesday | from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM |
Thursday | from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM |
Friday | from 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM |
Saturday | Closed |
Sunday | Closed |
Learn more about my:
Under Clinical Supervision
Mr. Kent Picou , Professional Counselor Intern, 096208-01 is practicing under the supervision of Liza Mordkovich (New York, LCSW, 096208-01) at Brooklyn Mindful.
Please, note: A clinician listed as being “clinically supervised” is completing clinical hours toward their licensure. They have one or more fully licensed clinical supervisors that often have special training. They consult with their supervisor(s) on all of their cases.
Black/African AmericanSexuality
HeterosexualGroup Identities
BIPOCOther Identities
Race & Cultural Identity
Identity development
Types of Therapy
Individual Therapy
Young Adults (18-24)
Adults (25-65)
Treatment Approaches / Modalities
Cognitive Processing Therapy
Person-Centered Therapy
Multicultural Therapy
Adlerian Therapy
Wesleyan University, Bachelor of Arts, Behavioral Neuroscience, 2017
Work History
Life’s journey can be paved with obstacles and challenges. As a therapist, my goal is to serve my client with empathy, an unbiased ear, insight, and lasting tools to equip them to manage issues they may face. It is critical for me to create environments of understanding where clients feel empowered to make healthier choices for themselves and those around them. My previous occupation in emergency care counseling has provided me experience in working with adolescents and adults in multiple capacities. Mental health is an important factor in making decisions that promote healing and harmony in our daily lives, our institutions, and our communities. When you have a healthy sense of self, it is less difficult to make choices that heal and harmonize one’s life and outlook. I help provide the freedom to explore, develop, and support healthy and resilient self images. Together, my clients and I take the time to pinpoint moments of contention in their lives that discourage them from being the person they want to become. Seeking mental health counsel is a first step on the right track and I am here to support those who are ready.
Online Therapy
Frequently Asked Questions About Kent Picou , PCI
It’s not uncommon to have questions before starting therapy. Kent Picou , PCI, has answered a few of the questions they receive most often from new clients.
Is Kent Picou accepting new clients?
Yes, Kent Picou is accepting new clients for online therapy in New York.
Does Kent Picou accept insurance?
No, Kent Picou does not accept insurance.
What types of therapy does Kent Picou offer?
Kent Picou offers therapy for individuals.
Does Kent Picou offer in-person appointments?
No, but people in New York can book Kent Picou for virtual appointments (teletherapy).
Does Kent Picou offer online therapy?
Yes, Kent Picou offers online therapy via video sessions and phone sessions to people in New York.
How quickly can I see Kent Picou ?
Kent Picou typically can speak with new clients within 48 hours. You can see their current general office hours and request an appointment on their profile page.
What languages does Kent Picou speak?
Kent Picou conducts therapy sessions in English.
Can I book an appointment with Kent Picou online?
Yes, you can easily book an appointment with Kent Picou online using Choosing Therapy’s directory.