Last edited 08/09/2024

Laura Newberry Associate Clinical Social Worker

She / Her / Hers

Clinically Supervised

VerifiedOffers Online TherapyIn-person Meetings
Acepting new clientsAccepts Insurance
Headshot of Laura Newberry, Associate Clinical Social Worker

General Office Hours

In Pacific Time

Mondayfrom 08:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Tuesdayfrom 06:00 PM to 09:00 PM
Wednesdayfrom 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Thursdayfrom 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Fridayfrom 09:00 AM to 11:00 AM

Under Clinical Supervision

Laura Newberry, Associate Clinical Social Worker, ASW118779 is practicing under the supervision of Jasyn Lezin (California, LCSW, 101360) at Expansive Therapy.

Please, note: A clinician listed as being “clinically supervised” is completing clinical hours toward their licensure. They have one or more fully licensed clinical supervisors that often have special training. They consult with their supervisor(s) on all of their cases.

What is your style/approach to therapy?

I feel strongly that boxes and assumptions have no place in the therapy room. I’m dedicated to creating a space where all aspects of your identity will be recognized and can be safely explored. Therapy isn’t one-size-fits all, and our work together will be shaped by our unique chemistry and what you bring to the table. Though therapy can be challenging, it can also be creative, warm, and full of humor. We’ll move at a pace that feels right to you.

What can clients expect to take away from sessions with you?

The most meaningful part of this work for me is helping people connect to the parts of themselves they're most afraid or ashamed of, and supporting clients in lovingly tending to those parts. I think that this is especially important for queer, trans and other marginalized folks, who often have the experience of being told (both implicitly and explicitly) that there is something wrong with them.

What excites you most about the evolving mental health landscape?

I'm most excited about the growing recognition of the role of the body in trauma, anxiety, depression, relationship patterns and so many other issues. The mental health field is also increasingly acknowledging the ways that our well-being is shaped by our identities and environments, including systems and structures of oppression.



Woman, Cisgender





Group Identities




Relationship Issues


Attachment issues

LGBTQIA related issues

General Expertise


Work Stress


Sexuality Based Issues

Social Anxiety

Abuse/Survivors of abuse


Autism spectrum disorder

In-Network Insurance



Blue Shield of California

UnitedHealthCare (UHC)

Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield



First Session$160
Individual Therapy$160

Types of Therapy

Individual Therapy


Young Adults (18-24)

Seniors (65+)

Treatment Approaches / Modalities

Mindfulness Practices

Person-Centered Therapy

Narrative Therapy

Somatic Therapy

Psychodynamic Therapy

Relational Therapy


University of Central Florida, Master of Social Work, 2023

University of California, Berkeley, 2018

Work History

I spent much of my adult life as a journalist, interviewing people in their best and worst moments. Through this work I learned that everyone has a fascinating, complex, and even contradictory life narrative, and on some level we're all just looking to be understood. This wisdom has transferred beautifully into my work as a therapist, because so much of this work is about witnessing and holding the messiness of what it means to be human. I honed these skills during my training at the People Concern, providing clinical services to people experiencing homelessness in L.A., and at the Los Angeles LGBT Center, where I provided therapy for queer and transgender people from ages 22 to 65.

Online Therapy

Details of my office at 627 N Larchmont Blvd, Los Angeles, CA

Frequently Asked Questions About Laura Newberry, ASW

It’s not uncommon to have questions before starting therapy. Laura Newberry, ASW, has answered a few of the questions they receive most often from new clients.

Is Laura Newberry accepting new clients?

Yes, Laura Newberry is accepting new clients for online therapy in and in-person appointments at 627 N Larchmont Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90004.

Does Laura Newberry accept insurance?

Yes, Laura Newberry accepts insurance, including Aetna, Anthem, Blue Shield of California, Empire Blue Cross Blue Shield, Optum and UnitedHealthCare (UHC).

What types of therapy does Laura Newberry offer?

Laura Newberry offers therapy for individuals.

Does Laura Newberry offer in-person appointments?

Yes, Laura Newberry offers in-person appointments at 627 N Larchmont Blvd, Los Angeles, CA, 90004.

Does Laura Newberry offer online therapy?

Yes, Laura Newberry offers online therapy via video sessions and phone sessions to people in California.

How quickly can I see Laura Newberry?

Laura Newberry typically can speak with new clients within 48 hours. You can see their current general office hours and request an appointment on their profile page.

What languages does Laura Newberry speak?

Laura Newberry conducts therapy sessions in English.

Can I book an appointment with Laura Newberry online?

Yes, you can easily book an appointment with Laura Newberry online using Choosing Therapy’s directory.