Last edited 01/24/2024

Sarah Clayton Marriage and Family Therapist Intern

Clinically Supervised

VerifiedOffers Online TherapyIn-person Meetings
Acepting new clientsCash Pay Only
Headshot of Sarah Clayton, Marriage and Family Therapist Intern

General Office Hours

In Eastern Time

Mondayfrom 09:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Tuesdayfrom 09:00 AM to 07:00 PM
Wednesdayfrom 09:00 AM to 05:00 PM
Fridayfrom 09:00 AM to 07:00 PM

Under Clinical Supervision

Sarah Clayton, Marriage and Family Therapist Intern, N/A is practicing under the supervision of Daniel Walker (Tennessee, LPC-S, 4012) at Family Christian Counseling Center.

Please, note: A clinician listed as being “clinically supervised” is completing clinical hours toward their licensure. They have one or more fully licensed clinical supervisors that often have special training. They consult with their supervisor(s) on all of their cases.

What was your path to becoming a therapist? What inspired you to choose this profession?

I have always had a heart to help people. Fourteen years I worked in healthcare, but on the physical side of things. When my husband and I were called into ministry and we were going through school to become pastors the Lord called me into the field of counseling. I absolutely love providing counseling to those in need of help.








General Expertise



Relationship Issues



Sexuality Based Issues


Adolescent mental health


First Session$60
Family Therapy$50
Marriage & Couples Counseling$50
Individual Therapy$40

Types of Therapy

Family Therapy

Marriage & Couples Counseling

Individual Therapy

Treatment Approaches / Modalities

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

Prolonged Exposure Therapy

The Gottman Method


Colorado Christian University, Marriage and Family

Marriage and family therapist can see individuals, couples, and/or families. Marriage and family therapy is a form of psychotherapy that addresses the behaviors of all family members and the way these behaviors affect not only individual family members but also relationships between members and the family unit as a whole. This type of therapy focuses on communication, coping skills, constructive problem-solving, as well as ways to build trust and strengthen healthy relationships in a family system. Marriage and family therapist can everything a counselor does we just see things from a systematic view.

Work History

As a pastor’s wife, and a formal behavioral interventionist I have been assisting people with their struggles for 8 years. I would love to sit with you, your spouse, and/or your family and help you work through and heal from the issues you are going through.

Online Therapy

Details of my office at 602 N. Hill Street , Greeneville, TN

Frequently Asked Questions About Sarah Clayton, MFT-I

It’s not uncommon to have questions before starting therapy. Sarah Clayton, MFT-I, has answered a few of the questions they receive most often from new clients.

Is Sarah Clayton accepting new clients?

Yes, Sarah Clayton is accepting new clients for online therapy in and in-person appointments at 602 N. Hill Street , Greeneville, TN, 37745.

Does Sarah Clayton accept insurance?

No, Sarah Clayton does not accept insurance.

What types of therapy does Sarah Clayton offer?

Sarah Clayton offers therapy for couples, families and individuals.

Does Sarah Clayton offer in-person appointments?

Yes, Sarah Clayton offers in-person appointments at 602 N. Hill Street , Greeneville, TN, 37745.

Does Sarah Clayton offer online therapy?

Yes, Sarah Clayton offers online therapy via video sessions to people in Tennessee.

How quickly can I see Sarah Clayton?

Sarah Clayton typically can speak with new clients within 48 hours. You can see their current general office hours and request an appointment on their profile page.

What languages does Sarah Clayton speak?

Sarah Clayton conducts therapy sessions in English.

Can I book an appointment with Sarah Clayton online?

Yes, you can easily book an appointment with Sarah Clayton online using Choosing Therapy’s directory.